Travelling to Pyeongchang for the Next Olympics: 3 Things You Need to Know When Getting Vaccinated for Japanese Encephalitis

If you've missed out on being able to travel to Rio this year for the Olympics, it's time to start planning your trip to Pyeongchang for the Summer Olympics in 2018. Travelling aboard requires more planning than simply booking a flight and hotel. You need to make sure that you are properly immunised for the diseases that plague that area. If you are planning on staying in Pyeongchang for over a month or if you plan on visiting rural areas of South Korea as well, your travel doctor will require you to get vaccinations for Japanese Encephalitis, which is transmitted by mosquitoes. Here are 3 ways you can prepare for this particular vaccination.

Full Immunity Takes a While to Develop

Unlike some of the other vaccinations you'll need, vaccination for the Japanese Encephalitis is not a one time thing. As a result, you should always plan ahead of time. You'll need 3 injections. The first should be given to you at least a month before you travel, the second injection should be given a week after that and the last injection should be given one month after the first.

You don't necessarily need to get the injections one month before. In fact, most medical professionals recommend getting the vaccinations early, so that you'll have time to develop full immunity to the disease.

Side Effects Can Take a Long Time to Develop

Another reason why most travel doctors recommend getting the vaccinations early is because the side effects can take up to 17 days to develop after you receive the first shot. The risk of experiencing serious side effects, like light-headedness, high fevers, behavioural changes and convulsions, are rather low; however, if you do experience any of these symptoms, you'll want to see your travel doctor immediately.

Vaccinations Do Not Guarantee Protection

The effectiveness of Japanese Encephalitis vaccinations is more than 90 percent; however, there are no clear indications on how long the vaccinations will last. As a result, you'll should steer clear of mosquitoes even if you are vaccinated. Make sure to use insect repellent and to wear clothing that will cover most of your body to protect yourself from getting bitten by mosquitoes. Pack your suitcase appropriately.

In addition, you should also schedule activities on the trip to avoid peak biting hours, which is from sunset to sunrise. In short, avoid outdoor sports during those times.

Travelling abroad can be very exciting — especially if you're going to be taking part in the Olympic celebrations. Don't forget to see a travel doctor at a clinic like Travellers Medical Services amidst all that excitement to make sure that you are properly vaccinated, so that you don't contract any foreign illnesses or  diseases that can ruin your time and your health. 
