Three Tips For Recovering From Prostate Cancer Surgery

Having prostate cancer surgery can be difficult and stressful, even when it's the best option for your specific situation. Recovery can take a while, and it's hard to know what to expect. This short guide gives three simple tips on how to prepare for your prostate cancer surgery recovery.

Give Yourself Time to Rest and Relax

It's vital to give yourself time to rest and recover following prostate cancer surgery because doing too much too soon can make you heal slower and could even cause further complications. Your doctor will be able to give you a timeline for your healing, but you should definitely ensure that you have time off work, as well as time away from heavy lifting, difficult household tasks and childcare. Let friends and family help you with these tasks, and bring in as much help as you need. You might also want to create a relaxing space to relax, and make sure you have plenty of books, magazines, DVDs and healthy snacks!

Ask Your Doctor Exactly What to Expect

There are different types of prostate cancer surgery, and the healing process for each one is different. Healing can also depend on other factors such as your age, your health before the surgery and the size and progression of your cancer. Speak to your doctor and get their honest opinion on what you should do during recovery and how long it will take. Ask any questions you can think of. For example, how are you expected to clean your wound? What type of painkillers can you take during recovery? Can you lift heavy items? Is there anything you should avoid? Feel free to take notes during your meeting with your doctor.

Keep up Healthy Lifestyle Habits

Keeping up healthy lifestyle habits is sure to accelerate your healing and make you feel better as you heal from surgery. Make sure you eat lots of healthy, nourishing food during your recovery. If you live alone and don't cook, ask family members for help or order meals. Stay hydrated, and keep your mind busy and positive. Try to build up your stamina and fitness over time, spending more time out of bed and walking around every day.

By carving time out of your schedule to rest and relax, following your doctor's advice closely and making sure that you take the time to eat healthily and do gentle exercise, you can ensure that your prostate cancer surgery recovery goes as smoothly as possible.
