Reasons Why Annual Appointments With A Urologist Help With Men's Health

As men age, they experience several changes that have an automatic effect on their general wellness. From a reduced metabolism, that makes it harder to lose that belly fat to the gradual loss of hair. Not to mention the pressures of advancing one's career while also trying to juggle providing for your family successfully. Indubitably, you may feel like there is too much on your plate to take your health into consideration. But ignoring men's health is what leaves room for otherwise treatable medical problems to go unchecked and consequently become exacerbated over time. Thus, even if you feel great, it is best to see a medical professional for your physical and sexual health. Before you underrate the importance of these visits, consider the following reasons why annual appointments with a urologist help with men's health.

Prostate health

One of the biggest challenges that men experience with their health as they get older is an enlarged prostate. Nonetheless, you may not even know that you have an enlarged prostate until you see a urologist for a comprehensive checkup. It is worth noting, though, there are a few symptoms that you should keep a keen eye out for that would be indicative of a potential underlying problem. First, you may notice that you need to go to the bathroom more frequently than usual. While this may not be as conspicuous to you during the day, you may notice that you get up at night to urinate repeatedly.

This symptom can also manifest as having problems urinating in the first place, so if relieving yourself is becoming a task, you should see a urologist. In some cases, the urologist will advise you to make several lifestyle changes, primarily eliminating both alcohol and caffeine from your diet. If the prostate is enlarged, the doctor will put you on a course of medications that help with shrinking the gland moderately while also offering you relief from the symptoms. Worst case scenario, laparoscopic surgery, which is minimally invasive, may be necessary to extract some of the tissue to reduce the enlargement.

Erectile dysfunction

Although erectile dysfunction can affect men of any age, men become more susceptible to this condition as they get older. But considering that a majority of men correlate part of their masculinity with their libido, this condition is typically a taboo subject. In truth, there is nothing to be embarrassed about, as it affects more men than you would think. Moreover, erectile dysfunction does not have to be an issue you contend with for the long term! When you see a urologist for this problem, they will first test your hormones to determine if testosterone supplements will resolve the ED. Depending on the cause, the urologist can prescribe other solutions such as vacuum devices, medication or even sex therapy.
